SNL Palin-Biden Debate: Tina Fey as Sarah Palin "Debates" On Saturday Night Live October 4

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin on SNL Palin vs Biden debate pic
Tina Fey as Sarah Palin on SNL Palin vs Biden October 4 "debate"

SNL Palin-Biden Debate: Tina Fey as Sarah Palin "Debates" On Saturday Night Live October 4!

Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill on SNL October 4 pic
Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill on SNL Palin vs Biden October 4 "debate"

Emmys winning actress/comedientte Tina Fey demonstrated her a genius by immitating Republican Vice President Sarah Palin again on October 4's Saturday Night Live "VP" debate. With Queen Latifah as (host) Gwen Ifill and Jason Sudeikis as Joe Biden (Barack Obama's running mate, "Sarah Palin" by Tina Fey "debated" some issues such as climate change and gay marriage etc.

Jason Sudeikis as Joe Biden on SNL October 4 debate pic
Jason Sudeikis as Joe Biden on SNL Palin vs Biden October 4 "debate"

Below is a brief summary from Reuters:

The latest skit on Palin’s debate with Democratic rival Sen. Joe Biden poked fun at the Alaska governor for dodging specifics by repeating the Republican ticket’s “maverick” theme.

“We’re gonna ask ourselves what would a maverick do in this situation, and then ya’ know, we’ll do that,” Fey-as-Palin responded when pressed on how to deal with the financial crisis.

SNL’s Palin dismissed climate change as “this climate change, hoozie-what’s-it” and said she wanted to talk about taxes instead: “We are not afraid to get mavericky in there.”

The sharpest barb came when she was asked about benefits for same-sex couples: “I believe marriage is meant to be a sacred institution between two unwilling teenagers,” Palin replied, in a clear reference to her pregnant, teen-aged daughter who is due to marry the child’s father.

The SNL skit also ridiculed Biden, picking on his friendship with Republican candidate John McCain.

“Look, I love John McCain. He is one of my dearest friends. But at the same time, he’s also dangerously unbalanced … He’s bad at his job, and mentally unstable. As my mother would say, God love him, but he’s a raging maniac — and a dear, dear friend.”

Biden, played by Jason Sudeikis, said at the end that his goal was to not be seen like a “condescending, egomaniacal bully. And I’m gonna’ be honest. I think I nailed it.”

SNL "Palin-Biden" Debate Video

To watch the full SNL version of Sarah Palin Joe Bideh VP debate, click the play button of the footabe above.


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